Contact us for more information about H.I.S. and the admissions process.
Yes, Grade 10 is recognised as the equivalent to the German "Mittlere Reife" and the IB Diploma is officially recognised as an equivalent to the German "Abitur".
H.I.S. families who encounter financial difficulties may apply for financial assistance for tuition fees.
Interaction between home and school is encouraged as it enhances the learning environment of all students. The H.I.S. parent community is seen as a very rich and important asset. There are lots of opportunities for parents to be a part of school life.
Currently families live too far apart to make bus transportation feasible from a time or financial point of view.
No, but students are expected to come to school in a generally tidy appearance that will not distract from the learning environment.
All students receive instruction in German. It is taught as a subject, offered at all levels, from "German as an Additional Language" to "Advanced German".
Both and more! English is spoken in many countries around the world and the various national differences in the language are viewed as a positive enrichment to the students' learning environment.
One of the advantages of an international curriculum is that it enables children to move more easily from one country or school to another. Tolerance, flexibility and the ability to cope with change are some of the values and skills encouraged and taught at H.I.S. which will help children to adjust to such moves.
It's never easy if your best friend leaves, and international schools in general have more students coming and going. However, with the help of the internet and the fact that these families are so mobile, many children stay in close touch with each other and visit each other during school breaks. This is often seen as a wonderful opportunity for an international holiday. Many students thus have the advantage of an international network of friends by the time they leave an international school.
Approximately 35 countries are represented by our students. Usually the countries that are represented by the largest numbers of students are the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom and India. Some students have dual citizenship and many represent more than one country as a result of the different citizenships of their parents. The majority of the students speak English as their first language or one of their main languages and many are bilingual or trilingual.
Yes. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year and will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Availability of space in a classroom may, however, be a limiting factor at any time of the year.
The school offers an international curriculum. Details can be found under Curriculum. ( H.I.S. is an IB World School authorized for the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the IB Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate.
If you have any questions or require further information, I will be happy to help.
Heidelberg International School
Wieblinger Weg 7
69123 Heidelberg
Anke Schumacher
Admissions Counsellor