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Newsletter No 35

  • HIS Newsletter

From The School Director


Dear H.I.S. Community,

We are just about to enter the last week of school. We hope that you enjoyed the PYP Summer Performance this morning, it was a joy to watch the students sharing their learning with the community. A packed MPR was wowed through drama and song by our confident performers this afternoon, when we had the 2nd edition of the Grade 11 CAS Talent Show. Thank you to Vivi Cox, Maria Grau Rodriguez, Elin Williams and Laura Huber for organising this for the secondary school students. Who knew there were so many hidden talents?

H.I.S. Sports Day instructions are again included in this newsletter and we invite you to support and share the occasion with the students.
Please join us on the final day of school at 12:00 noon. We will celebrate the end of the year together, before we go off on our holidays. H.I.S. will provide refreshments and parents will not need to bring in food to share. We hope that this will make it easier for families heading straight off at the weekend.

On Monday we will publish the comprehensive H.I.S. School Calendar for 2024-25. This includes all of the important dates and events for the year and I hope that this will help the community in planning the year ahead. The staff list for 2024-25 will also be published on Monday and you will be able to find out who will be teaching what, and to which class.

Enjoy the last week!


Sports Day


We invite all members of the H.I.S. community to join us for the H.I.S. Sports Day on Tuesday 25 June. We are looking forward to a fun day with students demonstrating their skills in a number of sporting arenas. The morning session will be spent on the field for EP – Grade 4, where they will be playing games they have created specifically for Sports Day. Grades 5 – 10 will be competing in traditional athletic events using the track and outfield. In the afternoon EP – Grade 4 will move to the track, and Grades 5 – 10 will have use of the field for team events.

All students will need to have appropriate outdoor sports clothes, including outdoor sports shoes. Sunscreen/cream should be applied before school begins. Caps and other protective clothing from the sun are recommended. Water will be provided by the school, but please make sure that students have refillable water bottles as usual. Students who normally have a school hot lunch will be provided with a packed lunch. Fruit, generously provided by parents through the PTG, will be available on the field as well.

H.I.S. Sports Day will take place at the Sportzentrum West, Hinterer Entenpfuhl 1, HD-Wieblingen. It is easily accessible on the OEG tram No. 5 (Tram stop: Heidelberg, Fachhochschule)



The schedule for Sports Day (25 June 2024):


08:15 Secondary and Primary School drop-off at H.I.S. as usual

09:00 Parents meet students at Sportzentrum West

12:00 Lunch at the sports field

14:00 Students dismissed to parents (pick-up at Sportzentrum West)


We are looking forward to a fun day of games, track and field events.

See you there!

John Knowles & Charbel Saliba


Well done! Keep going!

Stadtradeln - Schulradeln


We are coming to the end of three weeks of “Schulradeln”. So far, we have had 30 people from our community taking part by riding their bikes and collecting kilometers. We have so far managed to collect more than 4000 km and have avoided generating over 700 kg of CO2. The H.I.S. group of cyclists is currently in position 33, which is a great achievement considering that other groups have more than twice or triple the amount of active cyclists.

It is great to see how dedicated our students, staff and parents are and how well we work as a team. By the way, it is still possible to collect kilometers until Sunday, 23rd June.

Thank you very much and congratulations to all participants and supporters.
Let’s keep up the momentum!

Sandra Hohenwarter



Upcoming Events


Tuesday 25 June - Sports day 

All parents need to provide two portions of fruit per child - NOT CUT UP - as this will be given to the children during the sports day. PTG will be at pick-up to receive the fruit. To make it easier and to reduce wastage, we have allocated fruit per class to be brought in:
EP and Gr 1,2 - Apples
Gr 3,4,5 - Oranges
Gr 6,7,8 - Grapes
Gr 9,10,11 - Bananas

We are looking for parent volunteers to help hand out fruit and water to the children. Please let us know if you can help.

Wednesday 26 June - Ice-cream Day 

In what has become an annual tradition, PTG will be handing out ice cream to all students, parents and teachers on Wednesday at pick-up. Please come and join your child in having an ice-cream! 

We need new members!

Anyone interested in joining the PTG planning team next school year are welcome to get in touch and let us know of your interest. We would love to have you! We are also looking for PTG volunteers that are interested in helping with bake sales, coffee mornings or larger events etc, but do not want to commit to PTG full-time.

We appreciate any time volunteers can offer to organise wonderful events for our children. We will be having a meeting early in the new school year to plan events. Please e-mail us at to let us know of your interest.