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Camp Craft Weekend

  • HIS Initiatives

Duke of Edinburgh's Award


Grade 10 Students spend a night at school for their camp craft weekend ahead of their first Duke of Edinburgh’s Award practice expedition in May.


The students first practiced putting up their tents and then learned about the expectations and required equipment. They also practiced how to safely use a Trangia (a small camping stove) and discussed meals and what kind of snacks to bring.


A selection of meals had been purchased and the students had a choice of what they wanted to cook using the trangias. The students enjoyed the cooking and some had three or even more courses for their dinner followed by even more snacks.


Later in the evening route cards were planned, and map reading was practiced with the aid of a compass. The students planned their route from school through Heidelberg, up to the Weißer Stein in Dossenheim and down to Schriesheim.


After a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast of porridge and Nutella sandwiches, they set off, following their planned routes. Both groups of students reached Weißer Stein in good time and headed on towards the end point.


After this successful weekend we look forward to continue working with the students and seeing them develop their skills further over the next few months.