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Beans, lentils and a weekend well spent

  • HIS Events

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award


It has been an exciting time of year for the Grade 10 students, especially those completing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.


The students have continuously worked on their skills, service and physical recreation over the year.


In mid-April the students completed their last Sunday practice hike up to Königsstuhl. At the end of April, the students attended a first aid course run by the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DKZ), where they spent the day learning about first aid techniques and what to do in an emergency.


Following this the students did their practice expedition, for which they planned their routes as well as their menus. Setting off from Eberbach with their rucksacks full to the brim with tents, stoves, sleeping bags and food for an entire weekend, the students headed off with the sun shining on their day’s walk.


After arriving at the campsite the students demonstrated excellent organisational skills, by efficiently setting up their tents and cooking together in their groups. After a hearty and well-deserved evening meal they enjoyed a bit of volleyball before heading off to sleep.


The following day the students awoke to rain. Despite this they made their breakfast and set of to their next destination. The weather showed little improvement and the hike remained wet and showery.  Despite this, the students continued to support and encourage each other to get to the end. We are very proud of the students’ achievements.


The next few weeks continue to be busy for the Grade 10. End of Year exams and the Week Without Walls extended field trips are coming up soon. Knowing the students’ skills and stamina, they will still also find time to get ready for their final assessed Duke of Edinburgh expedition at the beginning of June.